Major Aspects and Trends in Data Management and Governance to Expect This Year

ality check and will eventually use this year to develop their next-decade strategy, as far as data is concerned.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

First of all, AI, ML and the Internet of Things (IoT), and of course full process digitization will be a focus for companies. They see them as required capabilities, and therefore are willing to invest in more digital innovation. Read more

How will cloud computing change in 2020?

2020 is just around the corner so there are already predictions about specific trends in cloud computing and changes that will inevitably occur. In fact, developments in cloud computing industry move at such a pace and are so dynamic that at some point it becomes impossible to follow and difficult to predict. Read more

What are the consequences of poor risk analysis and risk management?

We have already talked about the importance of good risk analysis and management for every kind of organization. On the other hand, poor risk management has the ability to impact your business severely on each level. Let’s have a look at the potential consequences that this could lead to. Below you can find 5 of the most significant impacts of poor risk management as well as what you could do about them, or avoiding them. Read more

Everyone Needs Risk Management

Usually risk is only thought of as the thing that can ruin your life and/or business. Indeed, risk events of any category can be fatal to a company’s strategy and eventually to its survival. Risk analysis and management is a huge industry which includes thousands of companies but it is also for the individual too. Because individual investors face many risks too. Read more

What is ICS2.0 all about?

An EU Strategy and Action Plan for Customs Risk Management was adopted mid-2014. It identified the actions to reach more coherent, effective and cost-efficient EU customs risk management at the external border of the EU. The risk management strategy pointed out seven priority areas, impacting IT, legal and procedural aspects. They should be achieved within the timeframe of the implementation of the Union Customs Code. Therefore, two areas have been identified as the first operational priorities. The first one is the need for high-quality data on supply chain movements and also its proper availability and communication. The second – risk-relevant information-sharing including control results.
The Union Customs Code together with its Implementing and Delegating Acts have introduced new legal obligations which necessitates ICS2.0. Read more

How Data Science will evolve over the next years?

With the hit of the digital revolution, the outlook and the parameters of data science underwent a serious change. The world nowadays is creating more and more data which causes the need and the emergence of new technologies and roles in the field of data science. Read more

Culture is the Key to Successful Digital Transformation

Although internet penetration was already significant in the beginning of this century, many people still question the relevance of digital technology. At that time cloud computing was just getting started and artificial intelligence was not seen as something realistic and applicable. E-commerce made up not more than 4% of all retail sales. However nowadays all these technologies are the key to be competitive enough. The tricky part is that implementing them is far from an easy and smooth process. According to analysts as much as one third of all digital transformation efforts actually succeed. Read more

How to use Big Data Analytics to reduce company expenses?

Big data is a term that refers to the large amounts of data that literally flood the business on a daily basis. You all must have heard of the phrase “information overflow” – data is literally flowing into business from various channels. Therefore it gets difficult to evaluate it and draw correct and productive conclusions. Read more

Features to look for when choosing an ERP software

ERP, or Enterprise Resource Planning, has been already acknowledged by the vast majority of business leaders. An ERP solution can transform the way you do business, organize and automate it. Few of the numerous advantages of implementing an ERP software are: better productivity and efficiency, lower costs, improved task management, etc. And here you can have a look at some of the reasons why you should think of implementing an ERP system and how it can be beneficial for your business. Read more

Possessing data is not enough – govern it intelligently

Data governance is a requirement in today’s highly competitive enterprise environment. It would actually be correct to say that data governance is not a matter of option. It is a must for every organization dealing with large amounts of data. The management, as well asthe proper usage of the information across an organization is what leads to success. Data governance ensures that the data is trusted, secure, compliant and easy to find within your organization. Read more