• Re-Engineering and Modernization

As the technology world is constantly evolving and changing, today’s users have very high expectations that need to be met. This means that your software solution that once was generating demand and has performed well, can quickly become outdated, thus not meeting your consumers’ needs. That is why our team of developers constantly monitor the latest trends in the IT industry to improve the performance of your software.

By offering re-engineering and refactoring services to our clients we aim to boost and optimize every possible aspect of the technological nature of your software solution, like:

  • Performance;
  • Maintainability;
  • Innovation;
  • Extensibility;
  • Interoperability;
  • Scalability;
  • Availability;
  • Reliability;
  • Reusability of code;
  • Reduction of code complexity;

Here are some of the key benefits of software re-engineering and refactoring:

  • Refactoring leads to increased system improvement which means that there’s a reduced risk in comparison with radical system replacement;
  • The refactored code is usually running faster;
  • Re-engineering and refining the existing code now will save you money down the road;
  • With refactoring the system will always be ready for enhancement and adding new features;